Angel Alchemy Academy

 Online Training and Certification
with Corin Grillo, psychotherapist, best-selling author, healer & teacher

Classes Begin January 15
Train in the radical art and science of working with Source and Angel Energy to promote potent healing and miracles — in your own life and in the lives of those you serve.
The angels brought you here because you posses a deep medicine inside of you. The planet is calling you to wake up and remember who you are and why you're here.

You march to your own drum, and your whole life, folks have leaned on you. You bring comfort to others–always have.

Right now your heart and your spirit team are inspiring you to lean into your spiritual gifts. To learn more about them or finally bring your spiritual business to life.

For almost a decade, Angel Alchemists all over the world have been learning how to embody their divine healing and channeling power so that they can be the light and hope and the darkness, and facilitate beauty, healing, and miracles in the lives of others.

We at the Angel Alchemy Academy love up on Spirit in real and authentic ways.

No dogma–just mystical communion and union with the Divine.

We believe that each person has a unique spirit team and a unique relationship with their invisible allies. We know that when we claim our spiritual identity and allyship with the divine–miracles happen for us and for the lives we get to touch along the way.
Do you sense a spiritual uplevel coming on? Are you ready to take your spiritual gifts seriously?
Something inside of you is nudging you closer to Spirit and to the angels–and because of this, you’re ready to take your intuition and healing work to the next level and maybe even make a kickass living doing it.

But the think-INSIDE-the-box world we’re living in today can make it tough to embrace your true calling. At times, it can even seem impossible.

Working through the subconscious fear of being different and  persecuted because of what society tells you success should look like or what kind of career society says is valid can feel like a full-time job…

… especially when you’re trying to make it all happen all on your own and self-doubt (plus everyone else’s doubt) is getting the best of you...
This fear and self-doubt is the number one reason why most modern medicine people never fully own their gifts or launch a truly successful spiritual business.

But here’s the truth. If you don’t believe in your dream, nobody else will. But it’s hard to get your dreams rockin’ when folks around you really don’t get it.

What if you were surrounded by similar souls from all walks of life, that believed in you and empowered you when you told them that you feel like you’re here to be a spiritual guide and healer? What if they didn’t just celebrate your spiritual magic, but they actually amplified it?

I had no idea what profound awakening and transformation would happen within me during these past 6 months and I am feeling so blessed by this experience. A shout out of deep gratitude to Corin for creating and holding this space of empowerment, fun and courageous leaps into our true selves. Thank you for this opportunity for connection! I am so excited to keep growing.

– Emma Jane, Washington

 Is This You? 
👉🏽 You possess unique wisdom, keen intuition, natural healing abilities, a sacred connection with the unseen, and an innate desire to create a lasting impact on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being of your family, community, and even the world.

👉🏽 You know that there’s something special inside of you (even if you’re a little shy about it), and things like intuition, angels, spirituality, shamanism, and all things mystical absolutely light you up.

👉🏽 Your whole life, people have been leaning on you for support, wisdom, and comfort and half the time, you didn’t even know why.

Sound familiar? If so, you're in the right place.

It's time to embrace your spiritual gifts and transform your life. You are not a misfit; you're a walking blessing. And when you join us in The Angel Alchemy Academy you'll unlock your true potential, forge a deeper connection with the divine, and banish self-doubt.

Your journey begins now. Join your soul fam in The Angel Alchemy Academy and start sharing your unique medicine with the world!
Corin is a flippin POWERHOUSE! Her gritty, grounded, yet colorful and playful approach makes each class an adventure - what the heck is she going to say next!? Not only expressing her deep knowledge and understanding of the Work, but of LIFE, and how to take it by the Heart and DANCE with it. My life has shifted in unimaginable ways since coming into contact with Corin, and I am forever changed.

– Romy Keegan, New Mexico

This hybrid training features a powerful lineup of LIVE online sessions with Corin and integration sessions — plus self-paced digital trainings.
When you register, you'll unlock your invite to 2 Immersive Pretraining sessions. These special events will lay the foundation for The Academy — preparing your mind, body, and spirit!

This year there are 2 separate 3-month certification modules available: Certified Divine Channel and Certified Mind/Body Alchemist. 

Your robust digital classroom for Module 1 opens January 15. 

You can expect bi-monthly LIVE Q&A calls with Corin PLUS bi-monthly integration and practicum sessions with Corin’s Angel Alchemist Facilitator Team.

See what past graduates have to say about their experience below...
Choose Your Certification Level
This year, you can choose to take just one 3-month module or add both powerful modules to become a Certified Angel Alchemist.
Module 1:
Certified Divine Channel - Become an Angel Channeling Badass
 This Divine Channel Certification will be a deeply transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

You'll establish strong energetic boundaries, and hone your psychic senses. You'll unlock the wisdom of the Archangels and explore the medicine of your guides, ancestors and allies.

You'll gain the tools to embrace the spirit world, deliver mediumship sessions, and expand your personal power.

👉🏽 Month 1 - Foundations of Energy Mastery, Spiritual Anatomy, and Opening Your Psychic Senses

You Will:
  • Learn how to detox the energy body
  • Establish and expand your personal power
  • Explore your psychic gifts and learn exactly how you receive intuitive information
  • Create sacred and personal space through setting energetic boundaries

👉🏽 Month 2 - Psychic Development, Channeling, and Discovering  Archangel Medicine

You Will:
  • Learn professional standards and ethics as a psychic channel
  • Discover your own medicine: open your psychic abilities and learn which ones are your strongest
  • Develop unwavering trust and confidence in your channeling abilities, allowing you to tap into the wisdom of archangels effortlessly
  • Gain the skills to sense and distinguish which archangel is present, both for yourself and your clients, ensuring you receive and convey the right messages
  • Learn the art of deciphering symbols and interpreting intuitive information, unlocking the hidden treasures of archangelic guidance
  • Discover essential techniques to sense and identify entities or unhealed spirits, along with effective strategies to address them in a safe and supportive manner

👉🏽 Month 3 - Communing with the Angels and Allies of the Spirit Realms

You Will:
  • Explore communication with different kinds of divine intelligences and their medicines
  • Learn about the spirit realms and explore the medicine of power animals, spirit guides, the natural world, fairies, and ancestors
  • Release your fear of the spirit world and celebrate it as the medicine and collaboration that it truly is
  • Learn how to deliver beautiful mediumship sessions for yourself and for your clients
Module 2:
Certified Mind/Body Alchemist - Become a Miracle Healing Badass
Much like the ancient quest of Alchemy to transform lead into gold, The Mind/Body Alchemist Certification program is your key to unlocking the secrets of transmuting mental and physical barriers and transcending suffering.

You'll work in collaboration with the Archangels and Creator to miraculously heal the mind and body of yourself and your clients.

👉🏽 Month 4 - Healing the Body and the Mind with the Archangels

You Will:
  • Explore the Body/Mind Connection
  • Learn how to heal the body and energy body with Archangel Medicine
  • Learn how to direct archangel frequencies to heal the body

👉🏽 Month 5 - Instant Healing and Miracle Healing the Physical Body with Creator

You Will:
  • Learn the Foundations of Instant Healing
  • Gain insights into the Ethics and Professional considerations you'll need as a Healer
  • Explore Remote Viewing the Physical Body
  • Learn skills for Relationship and Ancestral Healing
  • Explore instant healing of the mind and body

👉🏽 Month 6 - Mind Healing and Mastering the Subconscious with Creator

You Will:
  • Learn to instantly dismantle phobias, fears, money blocks, low-self esteem, any other toxic belief patterns with Theta Brainwave Healing
  • Learn how to Reprogram the mind with Creator Energy
  • Discover and delete unconscious beliefs to liberate the mind and soul
  • Bust fear and negative beliefs with Creator energy
  • Build new neural pathways with Source

 Register for both modules to receive all 6 months of training and become a Certified Angel Alchemist! 
  When you join us for the complete training, you'll unlock these perks:  
 FREE Instant access to Corin's Certified Oracle Card Reader Training 
An exclusive 8-pay payment plan
 Access to international clients and client sessions during year-round  Angel Alchemy promotions and events
 Two bonus months of unlimited new clients handed over to you by Corin
 Opportunity to Livestream in front thousands of people to showcase your skills and attract an international clientele 
 Opportunity to add your information to Corin's website for paid client readings
Are you ready to say YES to a life full of miracles?
Thank from the bottom of my heart! This journey has changed me forever. I’ve healed myself in ways I didn’t realize were possible and I’m creating beauty and opportunities in my life I didn’t think I could ever do or that I would ever have the abilities to do!!! I now remember who I am and what beauty I’ve been connected to for so many lifetimes.

I love this community, each soul in this class has helped me heal and create magic, and I know deep inside my being I will forever be connected to them all!

– Shawna Sechrist, Alabama 

Your Angel Alchemist Certification
& Training Bonus Collection
(Valued at $650)

Register for any module and receive:

2 LIVE Pretraining Sessions with Corin
When you register, you'll unlock your ticket to 2 Immersive Pretraining sessions, happening on November 20 and December 18.

These very special events will lay the foundation for The Academy — preparing your mind, body, and spirit!

Live Miraculously
7-Week On-Demand Workshop with Corin

Receive FREE access to this 7 module, completely self-paced program specifically designed to create powerful communication between you and the angels + deep healing on your heart, mind, body, and life.

By using simple, yet powerful techniques, you'll learn how to work with angels to create massive healing in your love life, your bank account, your mental health, and how you feel in your life in general.

Become a miracle magnet so that you can finally manifest the life that you have been dreaming of, and let go of the bs that is standing in your way.

Each Live Miraculously lesson comes with its own audios, pdfs, and step by step processes for you to explore your own connection with the angels and take powerful, deeply transformative healing steps along way.

Unlock Your Divine Healing Power
3-Hour On-Demand Healing Activation Training with Corin

Receive FREE instant access to this 3-hour virtual training, where you'll experience how magical & miraculous you truly are by working with Jesus, Archangel Micheal and Archangel Raphael to tap into your Angel healing ability.

During this pre-recorded workshop, you'll discover:

  • How to unlock your deepest healing power
  • Exactly how to create healing miracles with Source, Jesus, and the Archangel
  • Ways to weave and direct incredible Divine energies into every area of your life — to heal your body, heart, mind, relationships… even your bank account 
  • Ways to send healing energy across land and oceans — and send to people that aren’t in the same space as you
  • How to sense the different energy patterns of Jesus, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael
  • And more!
Angel Wealth Manifestation Bundle
Unlock FREE instant access to 3 powerful audios to help clear any blocks you're facing around wealth and abundance. You WILL feel a change in your life after listening to these audios every day for a week!

You'll receive:

  • Abundance Magic with Archangel Raziel
  • Fear of Success Clearing with the Seraphim
  • Archangel Money Healing

PLUS save up to $688 with Early Bird Pricing when you register before November 19 at midnight!

Joining AAA has been such a homecoming for me and being surrounded by like-hearted people feels amazing!

I went out on a limb a few weeks ago and asked a client if I could share a channeled message with her because it was coming through so strong. I thought that was the end of it. BUT today she connected me with her daughter so that she could have an energy / channeling session with me. OMG!!!

Having someone contact me for a channeling session as a referral completely blows my mind.🤯  I went from not telling a soul about my channeling to this in a short period of time! Thank you Corin!

– Kathryn Hodgens, South Dakota
What To Expect During The Angel Alchemist Certification & Training

  • Bi-monthly hour-long LIVE sessions with Corin, where you'll be able to ask any questions, share your aha moments, and more.

  • Bi-monthly hour-long LIVE practicums with Angel Alchemy Academy mentors, where you'll receive invaluable advice, connect with classmates, and hone your skills.

  • Self-paced digital trainings, PDFs, workbooks and more to hone your teachings between live sessions.

  • Video Recordings of Every Session
    Soon after each session, the video will be available for you to stream in high-quality format. Should you miss a session, you can catch up when you watch the recording, anytime and anywhere — on any connected device.

  • A Private Online Learning Community
    You will be invited to join the private Online Learning Community where you can access all the recordings, handouts, and other training info!
Module 1 Begins January 15!

Save up to $688 with Early Bird Pricing when you register before November 19 at midnight!

Optional Graduation Retreat:
Advanced In-Person Training and Pilgrimage to Mount Shasta

June 12-15, 2025

Meet your new soul family and Corin in person during this profound nature and medicine immersion retreat at Casa Condor near Mount Shasta, Ca.

This retreat will magnify your gifts, abilities, and understanding of the work we put in over the first 6 months.

Though this retreat is optional, all students that come HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT for the Alchemists!

Open your heart to the beauty and magnificence of Mount Shasta, the root chakra of the planet and a powerful sacred vortex.

Come commune with the angels and allies of this land, take a deep dive into your own personal healing, and explore more of your abilities with Corin.

All food provided, choose on-site tent camping or off-site lodging. Spots are limited for this so email to sign up ASAP!
Join The Angel Alchemy Academy Now and SAVE up to $688 with Early Bird Pricing! 
Module 1 Only: Certified Divine Channel
$1111 $898
Modules 1 & 2:
Official Angel Alchemist Certification + Perks
$2222 $1534
Module 2 Only: Certified Mind/Body Alchemist
$1111 $898
Payment Plans Available.
Add the In-Person Graduation Retreat to any package!
 Meet Corin.
Corin Grillo is a Chicana and Puerto Rican mother, an internationally acclaimed transformational leader, author of “The Angel Experiment” and “Angel Wealth Magic”,  a psychotherapist, and the founder of the Angel Alchemy Academy.

A mind-blowing miracle from the angels saved her life, cured her of life-long depression, and awakened her spiritual gifts.

She now trains students all over the world in how to access their deeper medicine by fostering an authentic, palpable relationship with the angels and other divine allies.
Corin is to the point, honest, present and on a mission to help people heal themselves and the world. She teaches what she knows from lived experience and is always full of heart and humor. Thank you Corin for your limitless insights, energy and inspiration!

– Anja Vlaardingerbroek, Netherlands

The Angel Alchemy Academy's Commitment to Safe and Sane Community
The Angel Alchemy Academy community is one of the most grounded, real, down-to-earth, non-pretentious, hilarious, inclusive and sane spiritually communities that you will find.

No airy fairy fluff. Just the good shit that accelerates growth and transforms self-doubt, trauma, and amplifies spiritual power.

We steer away from belief systems and instead focus our attention on experiential work.

Corin’s communities have zero tolerance for bullshit, drama, or conspiracy. The folks that come to this community come with an open heart, no fluff, and a pull up your sleeves and get to beautiful work mentality.

Let’s be clear, this is not a new-age or woo-woo community. Corin is grounded in the frameworks of psychotherapy and shares her best tricks and pathways to help her students undergo powerful initiations and transformation into their next level of consciousness, wisdom, and spiritual power.

If you walk this proven pathway and commit to it, profound transformation is not just possible, it’s probable based on the decade of proof.

Here's what some folks have had to say over the years about Corin's teachings...

"I began this training hoping I could learn to work with the angels and heal my physical ailments. What I received was far beyond my expectations. I learned to fully trust my angels and my own self. I learned to love myself, love the little girl in me, learned to love all around me unconditionally and be of service to others. This training has revealed my darkest fears and limitations and taught me to transmute them into my own personal power. I am a renewed soul since joining this training and I am forever grateful to Corin for this fantastic, angel powered, kick-ass program!"

 Vanessa Hansen, Connecticut 

"I have changed so much over these 6 months. I used to be depressed, my body was full of disease, my home was filled with despair and in total disarray, but no more. Through Corin's teachings, I can honestly say “I Woke Up", now each and every morning I awaken with gratitude for my life, my family, and most importantly Love ...Love for ALL that is."

 Grace W., UK 

"Corin's teachings are relatable, open, honest, understandable, and totally connected to the divine. She has a way of helping me understand that anything is possible and that there is light and truth in all things! She also has a way of helping me be ok with my power and know that there's no need to hide it!"

Lynn McCluskey, Colorado

""The things you will learn about yourself are priceless. The bonus is that you will actually be able to communicate with the angels and learn what their signs and messages mean to you, and in turn, if you choose, you will be able to help others. And the very very best part is you become a part of a community that loves you for exactly who you are. There is never anything that needs hidden and there is never any judgement, it is a true community of love!"

Stephanie H., Pennsylvania 

"I love this program so much. It has up-leveled me more and faster than anything else I've tried! Corin's guidance is so on point and I am full to bursting with gratitude!"

 Lea Goin, California

Imagine what it would be like to finally have the confidence you need to pursue your deeper mission. It’s time to open your life to this beautiful gift...

Our team is passionately committed to creating and maintaining a culture of total inclusion and connectedness. We recognize that we are only able to thrive as humans when all cultures, ethnicities, genders, and sexual orientations are able to freely express themselves.

We are unwavering in our allyship. We celebrate and welcome humans from all walks of life with open arms.

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